viernes, 10 de julio de 2009

The hero escapes from society.

My friend, The last of peace, wrote in his blog about a hero who was tired of being, or being here, in Guatemala, every day was very demanding, many responsibilities, despite no school grades, he was aware of the reality of the mainframe of the country, as do the college guys in economics, on the basis of that reality took decisions to maintain its “large” company of ten-workers -as himself- says my friend, The last of peace, he has disappeared, has escaped from its society, its critics, its legal looters, their rulers, he used to be extorted by the Social Security inspectors, no matter if everything was ok, as extorted by labor inspectors, as extorted by the tax representatives; the Constitution and laws of his country are to benefit the “poor”, must comply with existing law, the illegal looters have extorted too, several times gang-assaulted, or gang give "protection" for a price.
... I knew just where is the righteous: in the valley, a place to go virtuous (does not mean that those who do not will not be) in his place or his people or his nation, could no longer go on living, conditions that "society" imposed by government regulations were morally unacceptable, it took him through taxes "solidarity re-distributing wealth" to give to the poor, because he was productive and invests money of its industry-manufactured metal doors and balconies, the risks assumed did not matter, taking the debt that was irrelevant to the "looters", the rulers say sorry, nobody besides ensuring the success at last be capitalist, was his problem.
Instead it was forced by law-to-human sense, social sense, I had to worry about the "dispossessed", the "less fortunate" because it is more virtuous-say-loving socialist welfare-state to be poor and needy, without ambition, filled with kids, plus-good son of God is full of children for the nation ¡govern them! At home he told his wife said it was an ambitious without measure, in addition to "material things" is the spirit the most importantly, and neglects his home by engaging in "that" the company that is giving you money and work only, and only serves to keep families of low and he was grateful bad thanks, not worthy the wife who was selfless, so he said to his young sons that they were never great! they happen to be outside traders; teachers or nurses were better, or better if social workers, it was worthy.
In the valley say they have seen, ¿the location? Maybe that is the nation north of Mexico, somewhere in there. I could not believe that was the modern Cuba, where there is freedom, or Nicaragua, or Venezuela, where there is a revolution to provide the poor -hence the name of then president, Chavez, is destroying the rich stripping of the instruments or operating their business, this man say that he promised would not be more than five years as president and already has over ten, his pupil Zelaya –president of Honduras- wanted to do the same but for the moment it is not possible- I do not think that is Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, say they know many things in common that they have the presidents of these countries is that they talk nice to the poor, like what they say, instead, that critics say only say that when they talk nonsense, deceit and inconsistencies, or Lula in Brazil that makes them believe they are for the poor but for the whole damn capitalists and successful create jobs. ¡Poor wives of capitalists just like they have to suffer!

The capitalist does not support escaped the embarrassment of being exploited; their employees are now free of the yoke. Besides saying that the wife was being helped by the government, she and her children go to state dining room, she is happy now.

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