martes, 14 de julio de 2009

Guatemala is my nation. Part 2 of 4.

The past should be instructive to turn the tide of Guatemala, little of substance has changed. So there is progress, such as the benefits of technological advancement, global pressure has been as strong as uncontrollable, The Internet has brought back the boundaries of communication between individuals, while many rulers do not allow this and would like to have control, with the excuse of national security, and limit individual freedom and not be exposed to public opinion.

History has been forceful, eloquent witness reality, the individual freedom is a guarantee for the ordinary individual has the opportunity to develop their skills and release as a result of his personal interest, through their own efforts to get their reward , rewards can not be guaranteed by anyone or by governments. Freedom from interference by the rulers, or of the majority, on the rights of the individual. Individual rights are the eminence. The free man is threatening for the public interest that is statism or totalitarianism in disguise.

That some have rebelled at the status quo, others have blamed the evils of capitalism in the country, embracing the philosophy of class struggle, inflaming the struggle between rich and poor, and the argument used to manipulate and benefit personally at the political struggle to come to power. Lying their tool. Lack of conceptual mind. Their philosophy mysticism and altruism.

The modern history of politics in Guatemala has also been full of uncertainty and bitterness. The objective of the Guatemalan political, some rare exceptions - except for the top I - is to come to power for personal gain, once in power, the legal system –impunity- allows a wide range of mobility to control the lives of citizens. Power is automatically wealth, millions of “Quetzals” -currency- reach pockets of the president, congressmen, judges, military leaders, trade unionists, leaders and lobbyists, even to criminal groups, this will allow to govern in peace, more divided between the benefits of corruption will have less resistance. The only resistance comes from of the independent press, academic groups, students and professionals.

Can manipulate irrationally the economy factors, distortions in the economy that will bring crisis after crisis, cycle after cycle, the final one will be convicted: capitalism; arbitrarily used the budget, the money from tax payers without accountability, this will be the award sought through political activity, in the end be worth it to persevere through the years in the "political struggle", the poor excuse. The consequences of such a degree of irresponsibility were counted dead, loss of jobs, loss of confidence in the country and its' system ', accumulated more misery.

The level of corruption is immense, and former presidents and former staff have been accused of stealing public money. The evidence is overwhelming and the evidence supplied to the court, some go to face trials, corrupt judges to protect them from prison. Some of them have come to set foot in any cell and leaving little free time. In many cases avoided accusing any former president despite clear acts of corruption within its mandate, will be a sort of covenant that they will receive the same treatment following a policy of immunity.

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