lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009

Rulers Social Capitalist?

Crisis of Capitalism? Crisis of Socialism? Crisis moral? Political actions, some reading in my books, articles calling my interest, news of the day, observing the daily lives of my fellow citizens, seeing the chaos caused by politicians always, blog friends, I cannot avoid landing once again in political of those who govern. Why? I am upset by the fact that these undesirable beings, might otherwise repute, who knows, they are making life miserable for the members of each nation.

Reading the article "Flor de Pareja" by Mario Vargas Llosa, wrote about the attack on capitalism that has been subjected by the activities of fraudsters, Madoff newest, bankers who have been accomplices or victims of political leaders, financiers, speculators, etc.. all within the framework of mercantilism, giving arguments to the enemies of freedom to recharge their weapons.

But the central point of his article is the contradiction of life, what is said and what is done, the presidential couple "of Argentina, the spouses Néstor Kirchner and Cristina Fernandez of Argentina, except I make it, in Guatemala have also our "presidential couple" and even "presidential family". Declared hard socialist, I do not know what it means, at the same time enemies of capitalism, confiscate wealth manipulating economy agents, creating inflation, constantly attacking everything seems free enterprise. Their friendship openly known: Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales, Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega, and so on.

The assets declared as affidavit says Vargas Losa, before starting the Presidency and has evolved to this day: In 2003 possessed 1,200,000.00 euros in the period, and in 2007, the beginning of the presidency Cristina Fernandez, they were some of 3,200,000.00 euros almost tripled, but in 2008 reached the respectable sum of 8,500,000.00 euros, Vargas Llosa said before that this is an inept Madoff. How have multiplied his fortune? This information is based on the article in the newspaper El País, "enriches the power ..." The Kirchner following the capitalist manual, have been engaged in the business of real estate investment, financial investments, through a family business consulting advice to clients in different areas as tax, real estate, legal, financial. Vargas Llosa writes: "Who, having two toes in front, had not wanted to be advised in their business and investment by those two Presidents as aware and prosperous?"

Meanwhile the regular Argentines suffer the contradictions of their rulers, I quote once again Vargas Llosa: "... it allows a couple of politicians become millionaires in common a very short time, despite the inclement anxieties and living their country, while millions of impoverished Argentines, farmers were threatened, and the companies broke savers saw how inflation volatilized reserves waiting to face old age. Heroes and martyrs of capitalism, then. ¡Flower couple! "

Some similarities, in another country, are pure coincidence.

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