miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009


Guatemala, Lunes 31 de Agosto 2009




Marta Yolanda Díaz-Duran

(This is a free translation; the original article is in Spanish.)

The failure of the sword –Espada in Spanish- missed the death of one who trusted him and his hypocrisy makes him an accomplice.

It was like the kiss of Judas. "Judas, the betrayer had given them a password, saying: 'The one I kiss, that is. Arrest him. "So, coming to Jesus and said: Good evening Master! And kissed him. Jesus replied: 'Friend, what you came to do, do' Then the others came forward, seized Jesus and arrested him" (New Testament, Matthew 26: 48, 49, 50).

Why do I think Rafael Espada, Vice President of Guatemala, a traitor? Because, as you know, and I can corroborate several relatives and close friends of the posthumously famous Rodrigo Rosenberg, a week before being killed Espada met to put up with the facts he had discovered in relation to the crime of Khalil Musa and his daughter Marjorie, who, according to Rosenberg, were also killed on behalf of those who would be responsible for their own violent death.

He also shared his concern at that time that came true the death threats he had received in recent weeks. As I was confirmed by two sources close to Rosenberg, Espada pledged to help and take responsibility as a supposed second deals with the Government of Guatemala. How naive Rosenberg who trusted the word of Espada! Will He be handed to his enemies by a handful of coins? Total, needless to recall the pusillanimous attitude of Espada, just past the murder, and above all, their cowardice in meeting their commitments, let alone killed the lawyer but to the citizens of our country. It is certainly comfortable life of the powerful, who by their actions show us what your scale of values ... and lack of virtues.

And to make matters worse, as an indisputable sign of his cheek, according to a AP, published on Monday 24 August at Siglo XXI, on his recent trip to Quito,Espada told the state channel Ecuadortv that "there are destabilizing processes (sic) in the region, "citing the controversy over the lawyer shot dead. "It was a blow to the country, an attempt to destabilize government," said in the prerecorded interview.

“The wise man does not expose himself needlessly to danger, since there are few things for which he cares sufficiently; but he is willing, in great crises, to give even his life - knowing that under certain conditions it is not worthwhile to live.” Aristotle said I admired. The failure of the sword, -sword in Spanish means Espada- by accommodating, he let the death of one who trusted him and his hypocrisy becomes an accomplice of those who sent him to kill. Can you sleep in peace? In short, says Antoine de Saint Exupery in The Little Prince, the great literary work must, at least for me: "I learned not understand anything! Should be judged by their actions, not words" We know and by our actions.

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