domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Guatemala: Violence is a systematic means to encourage indifferent citizens?

In my Facebook wall displayed headlines of Guatemalan newspaper Prensa Libre, they reflect the reality of the level of anarchy in which we live here. The week ending, on Chiquimulilla Santa Rosa, a businessman is murdered in his family store in retaliation for refusing to pay extortion.

While that happened, a few yards away, the house of a couple of local entrepreneurs is ransacked with impunity, the criminals were in no hurry, tied to the maids and loaded with all utensils, a baby boy, son of the owners of the house, remained under care of the baby sitter, who, realizing the crisis, managed to hide under some materials in his sleep, when questioned he said that day the baby was the mistress care, they lamented that about “this" very day was not as they had the additional plan kidnap to raise money for the ransom.

In the Prensa Libre headline: "Outrage over attack murderer in the “Zona Viva."

Violence is a deliberate act to cause harm to other beings, so specific physical, psychological or emotional, this is a conceptual definition. Violence both physical and emotional has variants. Of this I am struck by political violence: "It is that which arises from the organized groups that are either in power or not. The traditional style of political practice, the indifference of ordinary people to events in the country, non-participation in decisions, and the existence of so-called bribes as: management of some institutions and institutional nepotism. The violence also caused by the response of armed groups."

Citizens are free human beings by definition, and are gradually losing degrees of freedom for the emotional pressure, exerted by the violence and the threat of being vulnerable to possible attack by other human individuals or groups. The essential function of state is to prevent this from happening through the rule of law.

Most politicians in my country, Guatemala, deserve my very strong suspicion of having no interest in the current state be different, 98% of impunity, no rush that Guatemalans live in a civilized society of just laws, applicable abstract, certainty of punishment, and soon, guaranteed due process.Escuchar

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The level of impunity, increase guarantees the criminals in the exercise of power, including the growing loss of skilled persons in the exercise of public functions in the three branches of government. The Status Quo is conducive to the flourishing of organized crime in society, the government's primary objective, but the evidence is overwhelming.

The following headlines the news section of justice, Prensa Libre, Guatemala, newspaper:

Stein: CICIG bolted to not be supervised
14 die in violent day
Vulnerable to crime.
Attacks on Police reflects crisis of authority.
Kill bus driver and his spouse.

I propose to initiate structural change, corrupt politicians do not support these changes, ProReforma is the best proposal for change

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